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Japan’s 30-year monopoly has finally broken! China's Industrial Robots counterattack


In order to rely on patents to obtain benefits from other countries, Japan has maintained a 30-year monopoly in industrial robots, and now this monopoly in Japan has finally been broken! Let China's industrial robots achieve counterattacks. In the process of breaking the Japanese monopoly in China, nearly 10 robot companies have made great contributions. It turned out that this Chinese company has worked hard for decades and finally allowed domestic industrial robots to counterattack. Delusion stuck the Chinese neck.

China Industrial Robot

Industrial robots are a very important modern industrial production equipment. Compared with manual labor, industrial robots can perform more precise processing and manufacturing with greater force and longer time. The rapid development of China's industry in recent years is inseparable from Chinese enterprises. A large number of industrial robots, whether it is automobile manufacturing, electronics, plastics, rubber, military and aviation manufacturing, or even food, have also begun to use industrial robots in large quantities. Snacks bought inadvertently in supermarkets are likely to be industrial robots. Among them, the number of industrial robots used in China’s automobile industry is the largest, accounting for 38%. China used to have 70% of industrial robots relied on imports. This means that if industrial robots in Western countries are The unfavorable impact, therefore, for China, the independent production and manufacturing of industrial machinery will not only help China's industrial development, but also preserve the foundation of China's current booming manufacturing industry.

In China’s domestic industrial robot industry, several companies have made the largest contribution. The largest robot company has become the leader of domestic robots. According to its official financial report, the company’s total revenue will reach 2.5 billion yuan, an increase of 61% year-on-year, and net profit more than doubled to 128 million yuan. In terms of robot shipments, as a Chinese company, it has squeezed into the top 10 in the world.
China Industrial Robot
Founded in the 1990s, this company can be said to be one of the veterans of China’s industrial robot manufacturing industry, and the company’s development momentum has been very rapid in recent years. According to its official website, the company’s core automation component products The line has been completed, the strategic transformation from AC servo systems to motion control system solutions, and its industrial robot product line is rapidly developing under the support of its independent core components. To build core components, industrial robots and robot intelligent system engineering. Industrial competitiveness, from technology, cost to service, to create its own competitive advantage in all aspects.

And the company is also actively developing externally, acquiring a number of foreign robot manufacturers, such as the British Trio, Germany Cruise, in addition to holding shares in a number of companies in the United States, Italy and Germany, and set up its international research and development center in Milan Next, it will develop into rehabilitation robots and intelligent collaborative robots. It can be said that according to the company's current development momentum, it can not only replace all domestic foreign industrial robots, but also develop industrial robots outside the country after accumulating certain R&D strength and products. Export, making China an exporter of industrial robots.
China Industrial Robot

In short, China’s fast-growing industry has laid the foundation for the development and production of industrial robots, and the booming industrial robot industry can in turn feed China’s manufacturing industry. Under such a virtuous circle, China’s manufacturing industry will inevitably increase With the efforts of Chinese robot companies, the restrictive policies of Western countries stuck on China's neck have been broken one by one, and China's development speed has also been accelerating, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will inevitably be realized faster.

China Industrial Robot

Industrial Robot;

6 axis Industrial Robot;

4 axis Palletizing Robot;

Industrial Cobot.

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