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China is leading new industry of world--Four legged robot dog


In science fiction movies and novels, there are often robots with eye-catching performances. Their versatility and near-omnipotent applications in various scenarios make people fascinated. For example, in Asimov's novel "Me, Robot" series, many wonderful scenes are described: robots can be seen in all areas of human society.

Four-legged Robot Dog

In fact, we have all kinds of robots in our lives, which are changing our lives, similar to flying robots represented by DJI. Now another category of robots has broken through the limitations of ivory towers and appeared in our lives. He is a four-legged robot. For a long time, robots of this category have been restricted by foreign algorithms and research, and are far from us. But fortunately, domestic robotics companies broke through overseas restrictions and took the lead in producing more advanced robotics technology.

Four-legged Robot Dog

At present, the overseas entrants in the field of quadruped robots mainly include Boston Dynamics in the United States and Zurich Polytechnic in Switzerland. In the field of domestic quadruped robots, several robotic dog companies have caught up with world-class products!

Up to now, focusing on the research and development of consumer-level and industry-level high-performance quadruped robots, a number of quadruped robot products have been launched. In a head-to-head confrontation with Boston Dynamics' products, domestic quadruped robots have a lot of dazzling performance. Even when reviewing the history of the development of quadruped robots, my country's robotic dog developed a motor-driven quadruped robot faster than Boston Dynamics, which is particularly amazing.

Four-legged Robot Dog
The four-legged robot has the characteristic that it can automatically change its shape according to different conditions. It has better balance, flexibility, and adaptability, and can walk on complex roads and complete various complex actions such as running, climbing stairs, forward, backward, and sidewalk. With all the characteristics and advantages, quadruped robots have become the new favorite of the market.

Four-legged Robot Dog

From the perspective of development trends, the competitive focus of quadruped robots lies in who can take the lead in landing applications on rich mobile platforms. With the continuous enrichment of four-legged robot application scenarios, only by creating more in-depth industry and more detailed mobile platform landing applications can this category achieve sustainable growth, and four-legged robots can create more possibilities. For example, in addition to home and life scenarios, medical treatment, material transportation, industrial consumption, environmental exploration, resource collection, etc. can all be used for quadruped robots.

Four-legged Robot Dog
Abundant mobile platform landing applications: Just like with a robotic arm, the shape of a quadruped robot can be "knowledgeable", adapt to more scenarios and bring rich applications. For example, in the home scene, a quadruped robot can use a robotic arm to "do housework." Through automatic detection and identification, pick up the clothes that have fallen at home and put them in the back top basket. The two four-legged robots shook the rope with their robotic arms, allowing us and our friends to skip rope more comfortably. It can even dig soil and plant flowers.
Four-legged Robot Dog
In addition, the four-legged robot can open the door handle through the mechanical arm, so that it can have a greater range of movement in the home. In industrial scenarios, quadruped robots can control switches and valves through mechanical arms, reducing labor costs and improving work efficiency. This can be seen in the importance of farming mobile platform landing applications.
Four-legged Robot Dog
Social and political scientist Karl Deutsch once said, "The only greatest force in the world today is the force of change." Four-legged robots are one of the forces of change that cannot be ignored. The research and development, innovation and construction of quadruped robots require both a strong technical accumulation and a high degree of concentration. Those companies that are involved in the field of quadruped robots are destined to be short-lived.
Four-legged Robot Dog
All along, our country has been catching up with other countries in various advanced fields. In the new field of robotics, we are fortunate to have such a high-tech robotics company in China, which is actively deploying. To carry out the reforms down-to-earth, many explorers usher in a new era of innovation and creation.

Four legged Robot Dog;

Robot dog;

Mini Robot dog;

Robot puppy.

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