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China is the world's largest and fastest growing industrial robot market

According to a report released by the International Federation of Robotics, China is the world's largest and fastest-growing industrial robot market.
industrial robot
   This report shows that the total number of robots operating in factories worldwide reached a record 2.7 million units in 2019, an increase of 12% over the previous year. Among them, the number of robots in Chinese factories was 783,000 units, an increase of 21% over the previous year. In 2019, the sales volume of industrial robots in China was approximately 140,500 units. Although it was lower than in 2018 and 2017, it was still more than twice the sales volume of five years ago.
industrial robot arm
   International Robot Federation President Milton Gehry said in a statement: "China has the largest number of robots installed each year (in the world)... This rapid development is unique in the history of robotics."
China is the worlds largest and fastest growing industrial robot market(图3)
   The report also shows that in 2019, the number of robots operating in factories in Japan and India was 355,000 and 26,300 respectively, while that in the United States and Europe reached 293,200 and 580,000 respectively. Germany is the country that uses the most industrial robots in Europe. In 2019, the number of robots operating in the factory was 221,500.
China is the worlds largest and fastest growing industrial robot market(图4)
   Clodia Grune, an expert in robotics at the German Federal Agency for Foreign Trade and Investment, told reporters that the new crown epidemic in 2020 will have a huge impact on the global economy, but the modernization and digitalization of production provide an opportunity for economic recovery. In the long run, industrial robots will bring rapid production, customized services and competitive prices.
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