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Ultraviolet disinfection robot stationed in People's Daily Newspaper office

In the "Government Work Report" released on March 5, it was pointed out that in the face of multiple severe shocks such as the sudden new crown pneumonia epidemic and the deep recession of the world economy, China, as the only country in the world's major economies to achieve positive economic growth in 2020, The prevention and control of the epidemic has also achieved major strategic results.

   During the two sessions, epidemic prevention and control is still the top priority. The rigorous and heart-warming protective details such as "one-meter noodles", "disinfection stations", single-person dining, special storage of masks, and questioning the microphone each time disinfection ensure the safe and smooth progress of the two sessions.

In the New Media Building of the People’s Daily, the UV disinfection robot ADIBOT Jing Inspector has undertaken the task of epidemic prevention and control. In public areas with high traffic such as the news center, interview rooms, office areas, and conference rooms, full-scene disinfection service guarantees are provided, Delegates and guests from the two associations came here with peace of mind and provided a safer and environmentally friendly working environment for journalists and editors.

Ultraviolet disinfection robot stationed in Peoples Daily Newspaper office(图1)

The UV disinfection robot ADIBOT clean inspector disinfects the office area of the People's Daily New Media Building

In the protracted global battle of the new crown epidemic, more than 110 million people were diagnosed and 2.56 million people were killed. There were more than 400,000 new confirmed cases and more than 10,000 new deaths worldwide in a single day. The global new crown vaccine production capacity is insufficient, vaccine distribution is uneven, and the epidemic prevention and control situation is still severe. Use intelligent robots to carry out scientific epidemic management and control to help the development of long-term health and epidemic prevention work.

   The National Health Commission pointed out in the "New Coronavirus Infection Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Plan (Trial Fifth Edition)" that the new coronavirus is sensitive to ultraviolet light and heat. The ultraviolet environmental protection disinfection technology is medical grade disinfection, which effectively prevents secondary pollution. In the face of long-term normalized epidemic prevention requirements, the ultraviolet disinfection robot adopts the strongest sterilization band, and strong irradiation can eliminate more than 99.9% of harmful pathogens, including new coronaviruses, SARS viruses, fungi and bacteria, etc., with no contact, environmental protection, safety, Intelligent and efficient "shining points" enter the field of public health.
Ultraviolet disinfection robot stationed in Peoples Daily Newspaper office(图2)

The UV disinfection robot ADIBOT provides disinfection services for the studio of the 2021 Two Sessions Health Policy

People's Daily Health Client Media Office Platform, People's Daily Health Client "2021 Two Sessions Health Policy" studio, People's Daily News Center and other places, you can see the busy figure of the UV disinfection robot ADIBOT net inspector. The robot is equipped with a 1.55 meter long tube, which covers 360° in all directions, and can kill 90 square meters in 10 minutes. The robot uses infrared detection, human body recognition, and warning sign induction triple safety defenses, as well as remote control, voice broadcast, video forensics, and lamp explosion-proof design four auxiliary safety measures to strictly protect public health and safety.

Ultraviolet disinfection robot stationed in Peoples Daily Newspaper office(图3)Ultraviolet disinfection robot ADIBOT net inspector used in the meeting room of the health client of People’s Daily

UV disinfection robots carry forward the spirit of “pioneering cattle” that dare to venture, try and create, continue to open up key technical fields, and break the path of innovation and development of China's intelligent robots; continue to open up the global market and promote the commercialization of artificial intelligence robots. It is reported that the UV disinfection robot ADIBOT Net Inspector has been used in schools in Delaware, the United States, and the Comprehensive Sagami Rehabilitation Hospital, a designated hospital for new coronary pneumonia in Japan, to help international epidemic prevention and control.

In addition, ultraviolet disinfection robots and smart epidemic prevention solutions have been deployed in key epidemic prevention sites in Shenzhen, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Kunming, Chengdu, Beijing and other places, and have rushed to assist Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Japan, South Korea, Rwanda, and Rwanda outside China. Nigeria, Kenya and other 14 countries and regions, covering 9 high-risk scenarios, undertaking high-frequency and high-exposure work such as body temperature monitoring, mask monitoring, information broadcasting, environmental disinfection, etc., have been awarded by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China, the United Nations Development Program, the World Health Organization, Recognized by the Hong Kong Electrical and Mechanical Services Department and other domestic and foreign authoritative organizations to serve the world with Chinese artificial intelligence robots.

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